Configure Export - Ultech DV3000

This topic describes the options for exporting subtitles in the Ultech DV3000 .uyc format.


These settings are accessed via Toolbox->Configure->Customer : Export->Ultech DV3000


This export creates a control file (<filename>.usf) plus one or more subtitle image files (<nnnnn><xxx> .uyc) where <filename> is the name of the Wincaps Q4 file, <nnnnn> is the first five characters of <filename> and <xxx> is the subtitle number (1-999).



Base path for output files : The root folder where the exported file will be created.  This folder must exist or an error will be reported when you run the export.

Create an extra directory using the file name :  If checked, an additional subfolder will be created to contain the exported files else the files will be created in the root folder.

Clear old images when exporting : If checked, clear all existing file in the export target folder before performing the export.

Zip exported files : If checked, automatically create a zip file to contain the export.



This dialog allows you to choose the background colour for the subtitle image files.

See Also:

Customer option and settings

Export a file